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学术报告《Nonexistence of perfect permutation codes under the Kendall τ-metric》

发布日期:2022/06/21 点击量:

题 目:Nonexistence of perfect permutation codes under the Kendall -metric


时 间:2022年6月23日,9:00-10:00

地 址:腾讯会议ID:801 388 861

摘 要:In the rank modulation scheme for flash memories, permutation codes have been studied. In this paper, we study perfect permuta­tion codes in Sn, the set of all permutations on n elements, under the Kendall t-metric. We answer one open problem proposed by Buzaglo and Etzion. That is, proving the nonexistence of perfec­t codes in Sn, under the Kendall t-metric, for more values of n. Specifically, we present the polynomial representation of the size of a ball in Sn under the Kendall t-metric for some radius r, and obtain some sufficient conditions of the nonexistence of perfect permutation codes. Further, we prove that there does not exist a perfect t-error- correcting code in Sn under the Kendall t-metric for some n and t = 2, 3, 4, 5, or 。

主讲人简介:王祥博士,2017年7月至今就职于国家互联网应急中心,工程师,主要研究方向为编码理论。王祥,2007年9月-2011年6月就读于中南大学获学士学位;2011年9月-2017年6月就读于南开大学陈省身数学研究所获博士学位。在国内外权威学术期刊《Designs, Codes and Crpto.》、《中国科学·信息科学》等上发表论文十余篇。主持国家自然科学青年项目。




地址:山东省青岛市即墨区滨海路72号벳 365 코리아青岛校区淦昌苑D座邮编:266237


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